Horses, like us are prone to health issues, most of them preventable. In case of a problem, the horse must receive the proper intervention from a fully qualified vet specializing in horses. It doesn’t matter whether you are on owner of a horse farm or only one animal. Often a horse is lost due to medical help not rendered promptly. This is why it is of paramount importance to choose a reliable vet who has specialized in horses for your horse. Some vets have additional specialization in certain breeds.


The vet must be able to answer the owner’s questions satisfactorily and must be one whom the owner and the horse are comfortable with. The vet must be able to honestly assess the horse’s condition and explain the treatment and management of the case.

Relationships with Other Vets

It is important that the vet can be contacted easily and can attend the horse at short notice. Vets usually work alone or as a group of specialized vets with fixed schedules. The vet must be able to recommend another vet on call on who works nights for emergencies when the regular vet is unable to take the call.


Check if the vet does house calls and the cost of the call. Often house calls and off hour services are more expensive. It is not easy to transport a horse to the vet and at times house calls may be cheaper than the transport. Check if the vet works with portable X-ray machines. Get a list of horse vets from the area and check out the pros and cons.

Customer Testimonials

Find a vet who specializes in your breed of horse if available. Ask other horse owners about their vets and their preferences. A good recommendation by a horse owner is usually quite reliable. Do not commit to any vet on a permanent basis until you are absolutely satisfied.

Check All Insurance Plans

Check the vet’s qualifications, the payment plans and fees for all types of visits – regular hours, nights, weekends and holidays. Check his contacts for laboratory tests and the charges for the tests. Horses are expensive to maintain and more expensive when they have health issues. Check all insurance plans. It may well be worth it.

Evaluate the Vet

Ask the vet for a first appointment and checkup of the horse. Evaluate the vet by observing his assessment, handling of the horse and interaction with the horse. Watch to make sure that he is conducting a full and thorough general checkup without shortcuts. Read up on examinations and ask the vet questions about the examinations to make sure he knows his job.

One of the most basic but important care for a horse is its regular and emergency medical care. Just food, shelter, grooming and training are not enough. Just as with us, good and proper veterinary care for the horse is vital to its health, well-being and longevity. Getting the right vet for the horse makes a big difference to the well-being of the horse. A well-cared horse can live longer and provide the owner with many years of service. So pick a good vet.

About the author: Hannah Butler is an editor on service web site. She took part in horse riding competitions all around the world. It gave her an opportunity to be a professional in this field. Besides, she has her own columns on some websites where she can share her experience of horse caring.

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