Nothing is more exciting to a horse lover than buying the first horse ever! At the same time, nothing is more confusing to a horse lover than buying the first horse ever. Due to the lack of knowledge, you might be tempted to make the wrong decisions. This, in turn, can transform from a supposedly beautiful experience into the most terrible nightmare. First and foremost, you need to ask yourself if you are prepared for buying your first horse ever. So, stop reading after this sentence, and take some time to think about this question: am I prepared for the first horse ever?

Good. Now, if the answer is yes, you must know that buying a horse comes with numerous responsibilities. You can’t and won’t be able to take care of it if you are not well-prepared. It takes time and money to take care of a horse and it’s a serious, full-time job. Here are some quick tips that will help you figure things out.

  1. Consider the Cost

Those interested in buying their first horse should be well-aware that prices are high when horses are healthy. If you can negotiate the price down to less than $1,500, maybe you should give up on that one. A healthy first-time horse will cost anywhere between $1,500 and $3,500.

According to, most horses cost somewhere between $60 and $100 per month on salt, hay, and supplements. Some owners choose to spend even more in case they feed grain. “Maintaining a horse is much more expensive than buying one,” relates Dr. Kate Trinity, Veterinarian at Hay for Life and former director at Rush my Essay. Shoeing can cost anywhere between $25 and $40 per month, while routine medical checks are also mandatory. The medical care can add up to $300-350 per year.

  1. Think About Stabling

Next thing to consider – and one of the most important – is stabling. Where will you keep your horse? Horses need proper shelter, constant access to food and water, and an exercise area. If you don’t own terrain, you might not be able to host one at your farm. You should also consider adding fences to make the place secure. Make sure you don’t use barbed wire only because it’s cheaper. Your horse might hurt itself.

  1. Where You Should Buy A Horse

You can tell whether a horse is healthy or not by the farm they grew up on. You should only buy from certified farmers. If you are a novice, make sure you ask a professional to join you when testing the horse.

A popular method to find available horses is using the world wide web. Many websites will report everything you need to know about their horses, including age, discipline, range, breed, location, etc. You can usually watch videos of them online and pick the one you like the most. However, your decision should under no circumstances be definitive until you’ve seen your favorite one live. Not all sellers will be honest about their horses, so you need to see for yourself before paying.

If online purchasing is not something you’re interested in, you could check reputable trainers and breeders. They are usually 100% trust-worthy because they’re well-known in the community.

  1. The Prospects

After you located your prospects, it’s time to start making calls and getting further information on their abilities. By the end of the day, you want to have no more than three options. After you’ve narrowed down your options, go to each farm. Start observing from the moment you arrive. I repeat – and this is very important – start observing from the moment you arrive.

For example, instead of waiting for the farmer to bring the horse to you, go with them to meet the prospect in person. Watch the horse’s reaction to both yourself and the farmer.

  1. The Signs

Just to give you a clearer picture of how a healthy horse should look like:

  • The eyes and nostrils should be clean and bright. Indicative of a health problem: if the horse has excessive discharge.
  • His teeth should be well-floated. Indicative of a health problem: if the horse drops too much of his feed out of the mouth.
  • His appetite should be good! Indicative of a health problem: the horse is disinterested in food.
  • The horse should be neither under nor overweight. Indicative of a health problem: if you can see the horse’s ribs.
  • His hooves should be in excellent condition, they should look like they are regularly trimmed. Indicative of a health problem: if hooves present long or weak.
  • His legs should be clean (no bumps).
  • The horse’s temperature should not exceed 99.5°F.
  • He must have a shiny coat and an alert attitude. Indicative of a health problem: horse seems uncomfortable.

Wrapping Up

Last but not least, trust your guts. If a horse looks perfectly healthy but you feel that something might not be right, keep looking until you find the right one for you; and once you have it, respect it, love it, and care for it. Good luck!

Eugene Eaton is a british blogger for  , who is into stand-up comedy. His favorite comedians are Louis CK and George Carlin. A good morning laugh is what keeps Eugene upbeat and motivated through the harsh day.


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